Supporting Interactions

Sandra Dodgens was taking a break from being a foster parent after the heartbreak of losing a child with cerebral palsy, when a social worker called her about a pair of 3-year-old twins in critical need. It was in the late 1990s. The previous foster parent had them...
UF Early Childhood Researcher Investigates Tools For Teachers

UF Early Childhood Researcher Investigates Tools For Teachers

Preschool children with early learning challenges benefit from being a part of the class, but they need extra support through a teaching approach known as embedded instruction. Their teachers also are in need of support to employ the approach as intended. Patricia...
Top Scholar Picked for Endowed Chair

Top Scholar Picked for Endowed Chair

For Patricia Snyder, being named the first occupant of the David Lawrence Jr. Endowed Chair of Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida was a natural fit. For pre-school children in Florida, Snyder’s selection to the $1.5 million teaching and research post...