Welcome 2016 Project Prepare Scholars

Welcome 2016 Project Prepare Scholars

Anita Zucker Center faculty Mary McLean (left) and Hazel Jones (right) welcomed the new Project Prepare class in July. This August marks the second year of grant assistantship for up to 13 master’s students seeking specialized training opportunities in early childhood...
SWAG To Create Child Care and Early Education Center

SWAG To Create Child Care and Early Education Center

The C.H.I.L.D Center, which stands for the Children’s Health, Imagination, Learning and Discovery Center, will serve as a child care and early education center located in the heart of the SWAG neighborhoods. Set to open for the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year,...
CRIEI Panel and Poster Sessions

CRIEI Panel and Poster Sessions

The UF scholars attended the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention forum held in San Diego Feb. 11-13, 2016, a biennial research conference devoted to early intervention for young children with at risk for disabilities from birth to age 8, their...

International Collaboration

These are some of the countries we have collaborated with to share our research-based knowledge in Embedded Instruction: New Zealand – EI team members are currently collaborating with colleagues at the Massey University to explore intentional teaching practices in...

Building Capacity

A young mom at the airport was on her cell phone. Her 4-month-old infant in a stroller was crying — obviously hungry. As the baby’s stress level and crying escalated, she pulled a bottle out of the diaper bag and propped it in her baby’s mouth, continuing with her...