How Children Learn

3R’s of Early Learning

Research shows three important processes that shape young children’s development and early learning. We refer to these processes as the 3R’s of Early Learning: Relationships, Repetition, Routines ™. These processes are important because they focus on how children learn rather than what they learn.

Learn about the 3R’s of Early Learning

Our impact

Our First Decade of Impact

For the past decade, a committed team at the Anita Zucker Center has been working to create a future in which every child experiences nurturing, responsive relationships and quality early learning experiences that create a strong foundation for future life success.

Learn More About Our Impact


The A to Z’s of Early Childhood: The Science of Child Development and Learning

We’re leading the way to a future where every child experiences nurturing relationships and quality experiences that create a strong foundation for future life successes.

find tools for early learning


Symposium Series

We collaborate with colleagues locally, nationally and globally to take action that improves outcomes for young children, their families and their communities.

Symposium Series information


Early Childhood Summit

To address the field’s challenges, the Anita Zucker Center and University of Florida convened transdisciplinary early childhood thought leaders at a national summit.

Summit information

UF graduate students get hands-on experience in Washington D.C.

Five Early Childhood Care and Education Policy graduate students joined a cohort of scholars from partner institutions in the Early Childhood Policy in Institutions of Higher Education (ECPIHE) initiative from across the country to meet with early childhood policymakers and learn from national experts.

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“We have a scientific and moral responsibility to rethink and reshape the way we support young children and their families.”

Dr. Patricia Snyder
