Anita Zucker Center faculty Mary McLean (left) and Hazel Jones (right) welcomed the new Project Prepare class in July.
This August marks the second year of grant assistantship for up to 13 master’s students seeking specialized training opportunities in early childhood studies. The scholarship known as Project Prepare offers each student up to $13,750 for tuition during fall and spring semesters.
Funded for five years by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, the program is designed to train and prepare students to become the next generation of leaders by working with young children with disabilities in high-need communities. Students who participate in the program are required to teach children with disabilities for two years, and will be evaluated based on child progress and employer and family satisfaction. Qualified students enrolled in the Unified Early Childhood Program with a record of superior academic performance and experience in the field are encouraged to apply each year.