Beyond the Center: Shaping Your Journey
Understanding her passion is rooted in supporting young children, Feihong Wang has dedicated her career to fully understanding their needs and becoming deeply involved in all aspects of early childhood development. Through her journey in the field, Feihong has gained...
Beyond the Center: Taking a Leap
When Helena Mawdsley discovered an opening for a post-doctoral fellowship position with the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, she felt a calling to apply, even though applying would mean taking a leap of faith and transforming her life. At...
Beyond the Center: Building Collaborative Relationships to Bolster Success
After just one year of working under Dr. Patricia Snyder, UF distinguished professor of Special Education and Early Childhood Studies, and now director of the Anita Zucker Center, Cathleen Schaefer was inspired to transform her career trajectory. In 2007, Cathleen was...
Student Spotlight: Siwei Qin
After teaching for nearly a year, Siwei Qin discovered a new passion: helping young children to learn. Searching for a way to hone her skills, she joined the Anita Zucker Center with hopes of becoming a better educator and promoting inclusivity in early childhood...
Professor’s Trip to Zambia Sparks Conversations about Global Collaboration
Recently, Brian Reichow, associate professor of special education and early childhood studies with the Anita Zucker Center, along with Center partner and pediatrician Marylou Behnke, professor emerita of medicine, visited Zambia to continue their work surrounding caregivers who have children with special needs.
Student Spotlight: Boram Song
Boram Song has always had a way with words — and teaching the English language to young children. In fact, for nearly 10 years, she served as an educator; instructing them and searching for evidence-based curricula to support them. Eventually, this search led to a...
Student Spotlight: Twinkle Zheng
Meet Twinkle Zheng, a second-year Anita Zucker Center doctoral student affiliate. Passionate about making data-informed decisions and supporting practitioners in the implementation of evidence-based practices, Twinkle works alongside Dr. Patricia Snyder on the...
Student Spotlight: Sara Germansky
Meet Sara Germansky, a second-year Anita Zucker Center doctoral student affiliate. Committed to creating a more empowered and effective early childhood workforce, Sara works alongside advisors Drs. Patricia Snyder and Brian Reichow. Alexis Brown: Let’s begin the...