News Archive

Center Stories

Student Spotlight: Ke Huang (Tracy) Huang

Meet Ke Huang (Tracy) Huang, a third year doctoral student at the Anita Zucker Center from Beijing, China. Dedicated to creating better educational opportunities for children with autism (especially those aged 3-5) and children with social-emotional challenges, Tracy...

Anita Zucker Center Leads Early Childhood Trainings in Zambia

After three days of learning in the Zambian town of Kalomo, a group of health and education professionals, parents, caregivers and village representatives were eager to give special care to local children with developmental delays or disabilities. In June, the Anita...

Student Spotlight: JinHee Hur

Meet JinHee Hur, a third-year doctoral student in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies. Originally from South Korea, JinHee’s interests lie in thinking about how teachers and parents can support children’s early literacy and...

