News Archive

Center Stories

Student Spotlight: Michelle Crosby

Meet Michelle Crosby. Michelle is a second-year doctoral student enrolled in the Preparing Leaders in Early Childhood Studies and Implementation Science (PLECSIS) leadership training grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education...

Student Spotlight: Yaqin Li

Meet Yaqin Li, a third-year doctoral student and avid early childhood policy advocate. With a rich background in educational administration, Yaqin has worked extensively with Dr. Snyder, Center director, on the Center’s Embedded Instruction project. Yaqin dropped by...

Community celebrates opening of new CHILD Center

On June 7, 2018, members of the Anita Zucker Center, the UF College of Education and the greater Gainesville community gathered together to celebrate the opening of the CHILD Center in Southwest Gainesville that will be home to an innovative, community-based initiative to support children in their most transformative years.

