A strong contingent of Anita Zucker Center students and faculty are joining national experts this week to present, share and inspire at the Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Early Childhood’s 33rd Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families (http://www.decconference.org).
The event, held Oct. 4-6, 2017 in Portland, Ore., will focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, particularly in early intervention, early childhood special education, and related disciplines.

Center Members will attend and present at the 2017 DEC conference in Portland, Ore. from Oct. 4-6.
Dr. Patricia Snyder, Anita Zucker Center director, will join center faculty Dr. Mary McLean and Dr. Brian Reichow to lead the J. David Sexton Memorial Reception & Workshop at the conference. The workshop, “Synthesizing Evidence in Support of the DEC Recommended Practices (2014)” will share processes and materials used to locate, appraise and integrate evidence in support of the recommended practices.
The DEC Recommended Practices (2014) are guidelines to inform decisions about practices that are implemented by practitioners and families for children with special needs.
In addition to having a role in leading the workshop, a number of Anita Zucker Center students, faculty and post-doctoral associates will present at poster sessions during the event. The posters that were accepted for presentation at the DEC 33rd Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families are listed below.
Examining the influence of teachers’ professional development on young children’s challenging behavior, Chang, H. & Artman, K.
Effects of family supports and risk on Early Head Start outcomes, Clark, C., Snyder, P., & Conroy, M., & Algina, J.
A review of family engagement practices and measures in center-based early intervention programs, Huang, K., Aulton, J., Cohn, M., & Conroy, M.
Evidence synthesis of DEC recommended practice: Assessment 4, Hur, J. H., Snyder P., Reichow, B., Sun, T., & the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Evidence Synthesis Group
Pilot of the practitioner reflection observational coding system: Implications for facilitating quality professional development, Jaramillo, J., Harrington, J., Shannon, D., Snyder, P., McLean, M., & Reichow, B.
Head Start teachers’ perspectives about using evidence-based practice, Li, Y., & Snyder, P.
Using evidence-based practice to inform intervention decisions in early intervention, Martin, M., Snyder, P., Reichow, B., & Conroy, M.
Evidence synthesis of DEC recommended practices: Transition 2, Reichow, B., Marsh, K., Snyder, P., Sun, S. & the DEC Evidence Synthesis Group
Exploring coach-teacher interactions within a practice-based coaching partnership, Shannon, D., Snyder, P., & Harrington, J.
Sustained teacher implementation of BEST in CLASS instructional practices, Werch, B. & Conroy, M.
Examining Teaching Priorities for Embedded Instruction: Connecting “What” and “How”, Bishop, C., Snyder, P., Reichow, B., McLaughlin, T., Polignano, J.
- Maureen Conroy
- Mary McLean
- Brian Reichow
- Patricia Snyder
Post-Doctoral Associates
- Crystal Bishop
- Cinda Clark
- Darbianne Shannon
- Brittany Werch
- Jamie Aulton
- Huan “Trina” Chang
- Monique Cohn
- Michelle Crosby
- Jennifer Harrington
- Ke “Tracy” Huang
- JinHee Hur
- Jennifer Jaramillo
- Yaqin Li
- Mackenzie Martin
- Tiantian Sun
- Shujia “Jennie” Sun