Jul 26, 2017 | Student Spotlight
When Jamie Aulton is not taking classes in early childhood theory and research or helping Dr. Maureen Conroy with the Center’s BEST in CLASS Web project, she is using the analytical skills and ideas she has learned at the Center to impact the Gainesville community at...
Jun 10, 2017 | Student Spotlight
Meet JinHee Hur, a third-year doctoral student in the School of Special Education, School Psychology, and Early Childhood Studies. Originally from South Korea, JinHee’s interests lie in thinking about how teachers and parents can support children’s early literacy and...
May 18, 2017 | Student Spotlight
Meet Brittany Werch, a sixth-year doctoral student in School Psychology from Jacksonville, Fla. Passionate about social justice and improving educational quality for diverse populations and children at-risk for school failure, Brittany works with Dr. Maureen Conroy on...
Apr 21, 2017 | Student Spotlight
Meet Darbi Shannon, a fifth-year doctoral student at the Anita Zucker Center. An early childhood educator with 10 years of experience, Darbi is passionate about translating her experience and knowledge from the classroom and the doctoral program to meaningfully impact...