FL-DEL PBC Initiative
We’re excited to share information about the Anita Zucker Center (AZC) Practice-Based Coaching (PBC) Initiative with you!
The purpose of the AZC-PBC Initiative is to expand access to PBC, an evidence-based coaching framework that will (a) enhance existing coaching models by focusing on more targeted coaching skills, and (b) support educators’ consistent use of effective classroom practices with children and their families.
The adaptation of the AZC-PBC materials for this initiative was funded in part by the Florida Department of Education, Division of Early Learning (FL-DEL) and is being carried out by the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, in collaboration with the FL-DEL, the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program and local Early Learning Coalitions.
Did you know?
PBC was designed for use in early childhood settings.
Practice-Based Coaching has been widely adopted for use in research projects, technical assistance centers, states, and programs because of the strong empirical foundation and efficacy of the model.
When implemented as intended, PBC helps educators and children.
Practice-Based Coaching was developed at the Anita Zucker Center in 2007, through a research project funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. We have continued to study the feasibility and efficacy of the model over the past 15+ years, in partnership with researchers, policy makers, local administrators, coaches, educators, and caregivers!
PBC is most effective when coaches receive support to implement PBC as intended.
The Anita Zucker Center has a long history of supporting coaches to use PBC as intended through workshops, on-going coach community calls, and individualized video-based feedback.
See PBC in Action!
This authentic 13-minute PBC session shows a coach and educator reflecting on the action plan goal they’ve just completed and identifying a new action plan goal. This coach does such a wonderful job of facilitating the educator’s reflection on effective practices and providing feedback to support the educator’s learning.

AZC-PBC Resources for Coaches