Family Support
We support parents and caregivers through evidence-based coaching practices that help them respond to their child’s needs in ways that promote early development and learning. Our research, publications and training resources not only help families in communities across our country, they also extend internationally to aid families in regions where resources and support are scarce.
It is important to help families understand how responsive interactions in everyday contexts support a young child’s development and learning.
These stories illustrate how, through generating knowledge and engaging others, we can make an impact in improving the lives of families and children — including those who are vulnerable.

Sandra Dodgens was taking a break from being a foster parent after the heartbreak of losing a child with cerebral palsy, when a social worker called her about a pair of 3-year-old twins in critical need. It was in the late 1990s.
There is a pressing need for effective, but affordable treatments to reduce serious behavioral problems associated with autism spectrum disorder. Parent training programs can help to address that unmet need in many areas across the country.
A young mom at the airport was on her cell phone. Her 4-month-old infant in a stroller was crying — obviously hungry. As the baby’s stress level and crying escalated, she pulled a bottle out of the diaper bag, continuing her call.
EPIC study: The role of an early intervention provider is to enhance a family’s capacity to meet the developmental needs of the infant/toddler. A substantial gap exists, however, between
recommended and actual practice.