Professionalizing the Early Childhood Workforce
This day was dedicated to identifying what it means to be a professional field of practice. We considered what conversations with intent and follow-up actions, strategies and resources will be needed to recognize early childhood education as a professional field.
Stacie G. Goffin, Ed.D., delivered a keynote presentation and led focused discussions around current efforts to professionalize the workforce as well as opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
State and regional early childhood leaders, faculty from institutions of higher education, program administrators, policymakers, advocates and practitioners will lend their expertise and experiences to the discussion.
About the Speaker

Stacie G. Goffin, Ed.D.
Stacie G. Goffin, Ed.D., is principal of the Goffin Strategy Group. Established in 2004, the Goffin Strategy Group expands early childhood education’s ability to offer effective programs and services for young children through leadership, capacity and systems development. Stacie works with local and state organizations, philanthropy, governments and national organizations. A widely published author, Stacie’s conceptual leadership focuses on advancing early childhood education as a recognized professional field of practice.
Prior to forming the Goffin Strategy Group, Stacie led the five-year effort to reinvent the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s [NAEYC] early childhood program accreditation system. This effort resulted in a newly designed delivery system, updated accreditation criteria and first-ever national program standards for early childhood education programs serving children from birth through kindergarten.
A former senior program officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, professor in higher education and preschool educator, Stacie has served as founding chair of multiple organizations, including the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, Kansas City’s Metropolitan Council on Early Learning and the West Virginia Network for Young Children.
Stacie has authored seminal publications, including Ready or Not: Leadership Choices in Early Care and Education, Early Childhood Education for a New Era: Leading for Our Profession and Professionalizing Early Childhood Education as a Field of Practice: A Guide to the Next Era. Her writing, presentations and consultations have earned her a respected reputation as an agent for change. She recently was chosen by Exchange magazine and its partners as a doyen (the most respected or prominent person in a field).
Presentation Slides