Crystal Bishop, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Scientist
Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies
Crystal Bishop began work with the Center as a doctoral student. She earned a doctoral degree from the University of Florida in 2013, where her major area of study was special education, with a minor in research evaluation and methodology and concentrations in early childhood studies and special education policy.
Dr. Bishop’s research interests involve the translation of research and policy to practice. Her work has focused primarily on professional development as a mechanism for supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices in early childhood settings.
She is also interested in issues of measurement in early childhood settings, focusing on measuring the fidelity with which evidence-based practices are implemented in authentic early childhood settings, and the development of instruments that support practitioners to make data-informed decisions about their use of these practices.
Dr. Bishop is the Principal Investigator for a development and innovation grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. The purpose of this project is to develop and conduct a promise study of an intervention for preschool teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills to use evidence-based family-centered practices to partner with families to use Embedded Instruction for Early Learning (EIEL) at school and at home. Dr. Bishop is also working with colleagues at the Center to support programs to implement practice-based coaching and evidence-based home visiting practices.
Development and Validation of Tools for Families (TFF): An Intervention to Promote Family Engagement in Embedded Instruction in Early Learning
Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, R324A200044 (7/1/2020 – 6/30/2023)
Role: Principal Investigator
Award: $1,400,000
Florida Embedded Practices and Intervention with Caregivers Early Steps Professional Development
Funded by the Florida Department of Health, Children’s Medical Services, Early Steps, COQXY (7/1/2019 – 6/30/2022)
Role: Project Co-Director and Site Coordinator
Award: $1,610,355
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
Snyder, P., Bishop, C., Shannon, D., & McLaughlin, T. (2021). Implementing Pyramid Model practices to make a difference for children. In M. L. Hemmeter, M. M. Ostrosky, & L. Fox (Eds.), Unpacking the Pyramid Model: A practical guide for preschool teachers (pp. 161-170). Brookes.
Snyder, P. A., Bishop, C., & Crow, R. (2018). Responsive practice-focused instructional leadership for early intervention. In J. Crockett, B. Billingsley, & M. L. Boscardin (Eds.), Handbook of leadership and administration for special education (2nd ed., pp. 393-416). Routledge.
Snyder, P., McLaughlin, T., & Bishop, C.C. (2017). Frameworks for guiding program focus and practices in early intervention. In J. M. Kauffman & D. P. Hallahan (Series Eds.) & M. Conroy (Section Ed.), Handbook of special education (Section XI.I Early identification and intervention in exceptionality). Routledge.
Bishop, C., Snyder, P., Algina, J., & Leite, W. (2016). Expanding frontiers in research designs, methods, and measurement in support of evidence-based practice in early childhood special education. In B. Reichow, B. A. Boyd, E. E. Barton, & S. L. Odom (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood special education (pp. 501-540). Springer.
Peer-Reviewed Publications and Journal Articles
Hemmeter, M. L., Fox, L., Snyder, P., Algina, J., Hardy, J. K., Bishop, C., & Veguilla, M. (2021). Corollary child outcomes from the Pyramid Model professional development intervention efficacy trial. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 54(1), 204-218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2020.08.004
Bishop, C. D., Leite, W. L., & Snyder, P. A. (2018). Using propensity score weighting to reduce selection bias in large-scale data sets. Journal of Early Intervention, 40(4), 347-362. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053815118793430
Selected Links

Ph.D. in Special Education with concentrations in Early Childhood Studies and Early Childhood Policy, Minor in Research Evaluation and Methodology, University of Florida, 2013
M.Ed. in Human Development Counseling, Vanderbilt University, 2007
B.S. in Zoology & Physiology, Minor in Psychology, University of Wyoming, 2004
Key UF Professional Appointments
Assistant Research Scientist, Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida, 2018 – present
Post-doctoral Associate, Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida, 2016 – 2018
Select Honors, Awards and Appointments
Post-doctoral Fellow, Institute of Education Sciences, Anita Zucker Center for Excellence of Childhood Studies, 2014 – 2016
J. David Sexton Doctoral Student Award, Division for Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children, 2013
Trainee, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort Training, Institute of Education Sciences, 2009