Qunshan (Twinkle) Zheng, Ph.D.
Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies
She began work with the Center as a doctoral student. During her five years in the doctoral program, she worked as a research assistant for two efficacy research projects funded by the Institution of Education Sciences and one early intervention state-wide implementation project. She co-taught two courses for undergraduate students, presented at several national and international conferences, and co-authored scholarly papers.
Prior to her doctoral program, She earned her master’s degree with a major in special education from Beijing Normal University in China. She and her colleagues published several research articles in Chinese special education journals during her master program and co-published one book about embedding instruction and learning opportunities within LEGO® activities to help young children with disabilities. Her master thesis was published in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, using peer-mediated LEGO® play intervention to improve social interventions for Chinese children with autism in an inclusive setting.
Selected Publications
* Master’s, doctoral student, or post-doctoral fellow co-author
Peer-Reviewed Publications and Journal Articles
Guerrero, F., Zheng, Q., Kramer, J., Reichow, B., & Snyder, P. (2022). A systematic review of the measurement properties of the Family Empowerment Scale. Disability and Rehabilitation,1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2023.2178528
Hu, X., Zheng, Q., & Lee, G. T. (2018). Using peer-mediated LEGO® play intervention to improve social interactions for Chinese children with autism in an inclusive setting. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2444–2457. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-018-3502-4
Ph.D. in Special Education Concentration in Early Childhood Studies Minor in Research and Evaluation Methodology (Quantitative), University of Florida, 2023
Master of Arts in Special Education, Beijing Normal University, 2017